Jesus sought people out and restored people that were living in sin. He didn’t condemn or manipulate. He didn’t hate or accuse. He always showed love and compassion mixed with grace and mercy.
Hidden Honor
Honoring when no one else is looking is a test of character and heart. A byproduct is living a life with blessing.
Idle Words
How do we live in a way that the words we speak matter? Jesus says in Matthew, “You must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.” (12:36 NLT) Sometimes, for me anyway, it can be easy to get caught up in whining, complaining, or even gossip.
The more complicated something is, the more misunderstood it can be. The old US Navy acronym, KISS – “Keep it simple stupid” – has been one of my favorites since I first heard it. When I was active in web development, it was vital that complex things be kept as simple as possible.
“What’s your opinion?” That may be one of the most exciting questions you’ll hear. It’s exciting because someone wants and values your opinion. But, should we always give our opinion? Should we even have an opinion?
What is the heart behind what you do? Said another way: Are the things I’m doing and talking about only said or shown because I am wanting to bring attention to people I’m with and the things I get to do?
I come from an Air Force family. My dad served for 20 years, so I got to experience a lot of different cultures and parts of the world. That also meant changing schools and getting a different set of friends every couple of years.